a space-maker / world-builder.

a sculpture installation and social practice artist.

a painter + sculptor.

a graphic designer + digital marketer.

occasional seamstress and welder.

exploring new processes with design thinking in mind.

discovering new materials with design principles in mind.

a connoisseur of red — in hues and in bottles of Merlot

a student at UC Berkeley — B.S. Business Administration + B.A Art Practice


Jasmine Mei Zheng is a Chinese-American artist that works on large-scale mixed-media installations and social practice projects in order to merge her autobiographical narratives with popular culture that can resonate with the collective. Her installation and social practice works combine painting, sewing, metalwork, plasterwork, photography, and her commercial background in graphic design. She engages in space-making and world-building that transports her audience to both commercial and domestic settings within white gallery walls. Her work generally involves playful color-blocking, enlargement of everyday objects, subversion of consumer goods, skeletal and geometric wood & metal work, and distributable graphic elements mixed with repetition of popular culture. Much of her work today is informed by repeated imagery and motifs from her Chinese American heritage and upbringing. Through engaging in her work, participants are included in a shared dialogue around the complexities, nuances and in-between-ness of second-generation immigrant culture, bodily autonomy and contemporary feminism, commodification of bodies, rituals of death, and rapid innovation + mass consumption. She creates visual narratives that are purposefully simple at face-value but hold a heavy underlying critique and expression of grief towards her positionality within the era of late-stage capitalism. She ponders where she can insert herself in a historically exclusionary national narrative as either a complacent passivist, a protesting activist, or both at once.


Don’t hesitate to contact me about work, collaborations, or commissions:


(224) 688-6757