at your convenience, 2023.
This work was installed in the Worth Ryder Art Gallery as 1 of 9 students selected for the UC Berkeley Art Practice Honors Program.
Mixed-media installation.
Plastic bag. Plastic, tulle, thread, metal. Self-checkout kiosk. Metal, found objects, spray paint, lantern, rope, mirror. Fruit stickers. Acrylic, wood, Life magazine clippings, AI-generated imagery (Midjourney). Mannequin. Paracord, mannequin, spray paint, ski mask.
a pseudo-supermarket planted within gallery walls.
this work is the fruition of so many of my obsessions. as a Chinese-American artist, I love using symbols from my own childhood and cultural heritage. through world-building and material exploration, I delve into themes of bodily autonomy, commodification, mass consumer culture, and the intersectionality of my identity.