sunday pomegranate, 2022.
A photoshoot starring Noah Getz and one pomegranate.
A short film starring Noah Getz and two pomegranates.
A mixed-media installation featuring three painted panels.
The act of peeling a pomegranate is purposeful and nuanced. It is also tender and patient. Intimate and humane. Powerful and delicate. After this act, one can enjoy the fruit of their labor. This piece documents the physical experience of peeling a pomegranate to explore themes of sexuality, violence, control, indulgence, eroticism and love. At face value, love is hedonistic. But what are the harms of pushing this narrative of pleasure and overconsumption?
“The practice of love offers no place of safety. We risk loss, hurt, pain. We risk being
acted upon by forces outside our control.” – bell hooks
This is Not About Love, 2022.
Oil paint, oil/chalk pastel, ink. 3 x 24”w x 24”h.
Mixed media installation. Oil paint, pomegranate, All About Love by bell hooks displayed, photo prints.
Model: Noah Getz